information for non-residents
Card blocking - non-residents/boarders
We would like to remind non-residents that the security record system that checks entry transactions for the accommodation section of the AD blocks is selecting and over time blocking the cards of non-residents in the ONLY CATERING group. These persons are admitted to the accommodation section of the AD blocks only for the purposes of visiting the canteens and their entry/exit rights are limited to the opening hours of the canteens.
Non-residents who use such authorisation to enter the accommodation section of the AD blocks to visit residents must leave the blocks within the set time band. Otherwise, after 3 warnings for unofficial visits, your card will be blocked with final effect.
Conditions for entering the accommodation section of the AD blocks
Warning: As of 01/10/2014, the entry of non-residents to catering establishments shall be limited if they do not comply with the requirement to register their ISIC card at a university terminal at their faculty and then at the terminals at the Mlyny campus.
The launch of the Managed Personal Entry project has caused large changes in the rules for external persons and non-residents entering the accommodation sections of the buildings managed by Mlyny campus. Please abide by the following instructions:
1. You are a CU student and a boarder
After activating your card (first by placing it on the terminal at your faculty and then at Mlyny), every CU student is entitled to enter both canteens. You must register your card before 30 September 2014. Another reason for this is that registration is a prerequisite for receiving the state subsidy for meals for students in higher education. The turnstiles will accept your card and let your through approximately 2 minutes after you register your card on the Mlyny campus terminal. The card only grants admission to the accommodation section of the AD blocks.
2 You are a student of another higher education institution (not CU) and a boarder
You can use your own student card to pass the turnstiles at the entrance to the accommodation section of the AD blocks. To do so, you must register your card at the terminal in your faculty and then at the terminal on the Mlyny campus, which is located at the main reception for the VB blocks, the ADA and ADR checkpoints. The turnstiles will allow you to pass with your card around 2 minutes after your register your card with the terminal, but will only grant admission during the operating hours of the catering facilities and only for the AD blocks. The card only grants admission to the accommodation section of the AD blocks.
3. You are a non-student, a third party but a boarder
The rules for this group of persons will change from 01/10/2014.
- Regular boarders must request a white Mlyny campus chip card, which can be obtained from the accommodation department or through their employer with a returnable deposit of € 5.00.
- Register as a visitor to a resident, who must collect you or accompany you on your visit, and present your identity card or passport for personal registration. You must register your departure from the grounds at a checkpoint.
4. You are a non-student, a third party, a visitor to a business tenant in the accommodation section (an agency, club or the like).
- To register your entry in the accommodation section, you must present your identity card or your passport. You must register your departure from the grounds at a checkpoint.
5. You are student (not in higher education), a third party, a visitor to a business tenant in the accommodation section (an agency, club or the like).
- To register your entry in the accommodation section, you must present your identity card or your passport. You must register your departure from the grounds at a checkpoint.
In all the above cases, you must properly register your departure with the reception staff at a checkpoint or by using a card at a turnstile equipped with a card reader (if you have been assigned a card) and you must leave within the regular opening (operational) hours of the facilities.
Notice for all boarders who are non-residents:
non-residents who are boarders using catering facilities in the accommodation section of the AD blocks must leave the premises within the permitted time limits based on the operating hours of the canteens:
Monday – Friday by 21:30
Saturday and Sunday by 19:30
The record system will detect if you have exceeded the time limit and automatically block your card. Repeated violations may result in the permanent blocking of your card and a ban on entering the accommodation section.