CU Mlyny DormitoriesComenius University Bratislava


A better and brighter Mlyny?

As you have surely noticed, there are many changes happening around the grounds and in the buildings. The aim of these changes is to create better conditions for the satisfaction of residents and visitors alike. 

You can also contribute your own ideas for improving and beautifying the surroundings of your temporary home. Various foundations and European fund bodies issue calls for a wide range of projects to protect and improve the environment. These projects can be used to plant greenery, ornamental trees and bushes, create small gardens for planting flowers, purchase bicycle stands, benches or decorative planters, or build a miniature park. 

Our organisation is open to all sorts of ideas and we will provide co-financing if they are approved, which is often one of the requirements for a project’s acceptance.

Our efforts are aimed at improving the living conditions and the overall service structure for students, who are the target group for our activities; so do not hesitate to get in touch with us at our e-mail address: