CU Mlyny DormitoriesComenius University Bratislava


If you wish to receive postal parcel on campus, please ask the sender to include precise identification of the addressee as follows:

Name, Surname, building, block, room number (postal parcel without this information will be returned to sender)

Mlyny, Staré grunty 36

841 04 Bratislava


After the delivery of the parcel, we will send you an email. The postal parcel must be picked up within 18 days of receiving our email. After this deadline, uncollected parcels will be returned to the post office or stored in the archive for one year.

You can pick up your parcel in office no. 1, block T, Átriové domky, on working days between 7:00 and 9:00 AM. To collect the parcel, you must present a valid student ID (ISIC) or a valid accommodation card (white card). Other forms of identification will not be accepted. Your parcel may also be collected by your roommate; however, you must inform the Post Office in advance via email at

If you are expecting a parcel, you can pick it up only after receiving the email notification. If you have not received the notification, please be patient – the parcel has likely not yet arrived at the dormitory. For inquiries about the status of your parcel, please contact


The dormitory is not responsible for damaged or lost parcels. In case of any issues, please address your complaint to the Karlova Ves IV post office. For valuable parcels, we recommend using registered mail.